The dangers of powered industrial trucks are known to everyone. Heavy industrial equipment such as forklifts accounts for thousands of accidents, and out of these, hundreds attributed to mishaps between forklifts and pedestrians. Most accidents are due to driver error and not using the appropriate safety equipment in the forklift. Many businesses rely on forklifts for their day-to-day warehouse delivery settings as these trucks are quite handy in taking loads to and from. But these trucks require additional safety measures to ensure pedestrian safety in their vicinity, and forklift safety lights can be a great way to prevent accidents on the site. Here we will know some pointers that show how useful the forklift safety lights can be in saving lives and preventing damage to goods and properties.
Essential for visibility and safety
Anyone who has spent time in a warehouse or factory very well knows that forklift can go faster than 10kmph. And many times, staff remain deeply involved in their work or wear earplugs and headphones, or even be surrounded by loud vehicles and machinery. This can distract one or more of their senses and create trouble for not only themselves but also for the operator, as sudden braking can tilt the forklift load to either side and lead to an accident.

In these situations, the use of forklift safety lights becomes inevitable as they can alert the pedestrians well in advance and prevent mishaps.
Creates a safe observable zone – The most practical solution
Set aside heavy trucks, even a lightweight vehicle can cause damage to pedestrians if they are unaware of its presence. Forklifts are heavy machines having a large turning radius, so they can easily run into workers who are not noticing its movement towards them. In this case, LED forklifts warning lights can be a godsend as it creates a visible border around them, creating a ‘cushion of safety for the pedestrians and other vehicles in the vicinity.

A visible perimeter is one of the most pragmatic solutions to avoid getting squeezed by the forklift. The intense red or blue lights project an arrow or arc on the floor 15-20 feet from the vehicle, capturing the attention of the pedestrians instantly. This helps in quickly alerting the nearby people if they are too much involved in talking on mobiles or absorbed in some other work.
Comply with the current safety regulations
Everybody knows the importance of safety standards in industries. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is one of the illustrious names in the field of safety regulation. The body recommends various safety measures to be taken with regards to forklifts, such as moving slowly in congested areas, having a sound-producing device (horn), speed limiters and warning lights where blind intersections are very common in premises. A variety of this safety equipment can be used to create a solid combination as the sounding device alone may fade into the ambient noise in the factory. On the other hand, safety warning lights have an upper edge of being unobtrusive, precisely indicating from which direction the forklift is approaching. Moreover, complying with the latest safety standards increases the brand value of the company and shows the seriousness of the organization toward the safety of its workers.
Efficient and long-lasting
LEDs are high on efficiency, with a typical lifespan of over 50,000 hours. So, there shouldn’t be any worries about forklift warning lights prematurely failure at any given point of time. Moreover, forklift safety lights are not flimsy but can withstand vibrations and shocks. All this reduces maintenance and saves money.
Markings, fencing and strobe lights are not enough
Every single safety measure is important in the factory or a warehouse but are they enough to ward off dangers? The answer would be no. Despite lane markers, fencing, special doors, gates and strobe lights, there remains a missing gap of the warning system that can capture attention quickly. And here, the importance of forklift warning lights comes into the picture. In a dim warehouse or where forklift operators disable the horns and sirens for preventing distractions, forklift safety lights act as a sheer disruption to the pedestrians and make them pay attention to their surroundings.
Forklift safety lights might appear a simple accessory, but they can play an instrumental role in enhancing the safety of workers and reducing fatal injuries. They are essential for visible safety, comply with the standard regulations, and have lots of benefits. SharpEagle has a range of safety lights for forklifts and constantly working on innovative products for various industries.
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